10 Days Advance Course Experience :
It was 2012 Nov that time I simply feel like 4 or 5 days Advance course feels less for me. I need longer advance course and long silence. Suddenly I came to know that in AOL ashram Bangalore 10 days Advance course happening first time. Quickly I register myself. Being in Ashram like I am in heaven. Soon I meet our teacher Swamy Brahmatej(My favourite Teacher). Though I meet him first time, I feel like so much connected. He makes everyone such comfortable which beyond word. He has a special majesty on expressing supreme knowledge as simple as possible as well as being very humble towards us.It was perfect environment to dive inward. There are so many experiences but 4 out of them are special which I want to share.
1. Our Teacher told us to observe our mind in these 10 days and
“ Do not be in hurry unless until you get Hari ! ” and “What ever you need you will get, Everything here is abundance” So I was aware to observe my mind not to be in hurry. Body Action should be on its pace but mind should be still. There are two aspect, Normally we think if mind is in hurry then we can perform any task quickly but really it works oppositely. We can do our work speedily when our mind is in perfectly still. This need to be practice, Few days gone, One day in kitchen when I arrive for my lunch in very peaceful state I noticed buttermilk bowl is going to be empty very soon. I loved Ashram buttermilk very much so I don’t want to lose it. So my mind started rushing for buttermilk but normally I drank buttermilk after my lunch. It feels very good. But now if I wait after lunch I will lose buttermilk completely. So I drank buttermilk first and then gone for lunch. After lunch i did not feel as good as I do before because i feel to drink buttermilk after lunch but i did not enquiry for it as i knew it is finished. But I was convinced myself that at least I have some buttermilk may be before lunch but it’s ok. Something is better than nothing. After lunch I do my vegetable cutting in kitchen. After half an hour When I was returning from kitchen for my class I saw few people are enjoying buttermilk, I was shocked when I saw there was a big bowl full of buttermilk at least 50 people can drink happily. Suddenly I realised my teacher advice and my mind trick.
2. That time Guru Paduka Vandam was under construction and we got seva to work there. I really feel blessed to do such work. We are more than 50 course participant working there happily. Everyone very enthusiastic and eagerly working for a great cause. That time suddenly one thought came to my mind when in future I will come with my child I’ll tell him that when this Guru Paduka was built I was also part of it. I was silently feeling very proud for that. After some time instructor told us to comeback for class today seva is over. I was feeling very happy seeing so much stone we put today. We are just returning from Guru paduka I saw one stupid tractor came with stone and it put there. I was surprised when I saw how much stone we 50 people put there in last 30 min, the tractor put more than that in 5 min. Suddenly I realised just to give us happiness and some proud moment for our future divine plans all these seva otherwise our work is as negligible as an ant work. Anyway everything done by divine. My proud feeling simply disappear and felt very much grateful for giving me a chance to serve as well as felt very stupid.
3. Our teacher told us “We all are under divine protection, Be fearless. Walk like a king!” I feel very happy hearing this and mind makeup myself i will observe it. In Ashram we can find one special insect who walk very majestically. Normally we found them on steps from VM to kitchen. One night after 10 o clock I was returning from VM to my room that time I saw one of that insect crossing the step. I simply feel an attraction towards it and i stop myself to watch it. I simply in wonder one simple insect how can walk such majestically. It walk like it own the whole cosmos no fear, no hurry walking like a king. I simply enjoying its walk and realising my teacher sentence as well as wishing myself to attain this state. Then I feel I should leave and started walking. After I step down few step suddenly One child may be 10 or 12 yr old came running on the steps. I feel like shock may be this child crush the insect as light on step is very slow and child was running so i was sure the insect is dead. I feel bad and return to see the insect situation but surprisely I found the insect was walking as majestically as before. I was left in teary eye how much divine take care and heartily salute the insect for its surrender and faith on divine and pray myself, may divine bestow me this quality.
4. In Ashram VM is my favourite place. So it is always a privileged to do a course in VM. Fortunately our course venue was VM and i was very happy. Normally I try my best not to disturb anyone in course and some where I expect the same thing from my course participants. One day in morning yoga I put my yoga mat keeping safe distance from other participant so that no one will face problem what i do everyday. After some time yoga started and suddenly i saw one girl came and put her mat very near to me. So now my botheration start because i could not do my yoga properly. As I was in silent I tried to hint her to move away so that I’ll be comfortable but she did not pay attention. My mind rushing in too much restless ness and I feel miserable for her work as well as not doing properly yoga. After few moments I feel I have to do something and remind my mind present moment is inevitable. So I pull my yoga mat to corner so that I can do yoga properly then I settle down myself. After yoga we did our kriya then meditation. In meditation I hear a sound of falling something near me. After meditation I was shock what I saw, where I sat exactly on that sport the pigeon did shit. I simply protected from it by moving to corner. I simply in wow state, few min before botheration was really a blessing for me which I could not understand at that moment. I left for my breakfast in very grateful state towards divine for taking care of me such lovingly. I realised in life some uneasiness came to avid a greater problem. So every moment is blessing !
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