In the Hindu heaven, there is a tree called 'Kalptaru'. It means the wish-fulfilling tree. By accident a traveller arrived there. He was so tired that he sat under the tree. And he was hungry so he thought, 'If somebody was here, I would ask for food. But there seems to be nobody.'

The moment the idea of food appeared in his mind, food suddenly appeared, and he was so hungry that he didn't bother to think about it. He ate it. Then he started feeling sleepy, and he thought, 'If there was a bed here...' And the bed appeared.

But lying on the bed the thought arose in him, 'What is happening? I don't see anybody here. Food has come, a bed has come -- maybe there are ghosts doing things to me!' Suddenly ghosts appeared.

Then he became afraid and he thought, 'Now they will kill me!' And they killed him!

In life the law is the same:-
IF YOU THINK OF GHOSTS, THEY ARE BOUND TO APPEAR. Think and you will see. If you think of enemies, you will create them; if you think of friends, they will appear. If you love, love appears all around you; if you hate, hate appears. Whatsoever you go on thinking is being fulfilled by a certain law.

IF YOU DON'T THINK ANYTHING, then nothing happens to you.

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