It was a busy morning, about 8:30am, when an elderly gentleman in his 80's arrived to have stitches removed from his thumb. He said he was in a hurry, as he had an appointment at 9:00am.

I took his vital signs and had him take a seat, knowing it would be over an hour before someone would to able to see him. I saw him looking at his watch and decided since I was not busy with another patient, I would evaluate his wound.

On examining it I saw it was well healed, so I talked to one of the doctors and got the needed supplies to remove his sutures and redress his wound. While taking care of his wound, I asked him if he had another doctor's appointment this morning, as he was in such a hurry. The gentleman told me no, that he needed to go to the nursing home to eat breakfast with his wife.

I inquired as to her health. He told me that she had been there for a while because she is a victim of Alzheimer's disease. As we talked, I asked if she would be upset if he was a bit late. He replied that she no longer knew who he was, that she had not recognized him for five years now.

I was surprised and asked him, 'And you still go every morning, even though she doesn't know who you are?'

He smiled as he patted my hand and said, 'She doesn't know me but I still know who she is.'

I had to hold back tears as he left. I had goose bumps on my arm and thought, 'That is the kind of love I want in my life."

True love is neither physical nor romantic. True love is an acceptance of all that is, has been, will be, and will not be.

Remember that the small deeds that we do in life really matter.
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Ten people were going from one village to another. On the way they had to cross a river. After crossing they wanted to be sure all were there. Each one started counting but counted only nine. They were very distraught and began to cry for the loss of the tenth.

A wise man came along and asked them, "Oh my dear friends, why are you crying?"

"We were ten but now we are only nine," they replied.

The wise man saw they were ten, so he asked them to count. Each counted nine but left out himself. Then the wise man made them stand and count, and he said to the last person, "You are the tenth!"

And they all rejoiced for having regained the tenth.

Similarly the five senses and the four inner faculties (mind, intellect, memory, ego) all lament when they lose sight of the Self. Then the Master comes and shows you that You are the tenth!

Count, but never stop until you find the tenth. The joy is in finding the Ever Present.

With the knowledge of the Self inside, everything is truly joyful.
The term Surya Namaskaara means ’salutation to Sun’. Surya Namaskaara is an exercise sequence, which has both the physical and the spiritual aspects. On the physical side, it involves a series of aasanas or yogic postures, which provide the body with a most complete exercise. Virtually all the parts of the body, including the thoracic and abdominal organs, are exercised and rejuvenated with vitality. Spiritually, the Surya Namaskaara is method of propitiating the Sun-god and enjoying his blessings. These include faster progress in meditation, a sharp intellect, a sound health, and acquisition of spiritual wisdom. Surya Namaskaara consists of three important elements each of which needs to be carefully attended to for maximum possible benefits. If proper attention is not given to detail, the results may not be attained in full.

1. Aasanas or bodily postures: Surya Namaskaara is an exercise sequence involving twelve different body postures, as if to signify the twelve signs of the zodiac through which passage of the Sun results in the formation of twelve months of a year. This exercise involves six postures, which proceed in one direction, and another six, which mark the return to the original position. It is virtually equivalent to the Sun traversing six signs of the zodiac to give rise to one ‘ayana’ of six months and returning through another six signs to give rise to another ayana, thus constituting the Uttaraayana (the northerly course ) and the Dakshinaayana ( the southerly course). The completion of a cycle of Uttaraayana and Dakshinaayana brings the Sun back to its original position from where the next solar cycle starts. Even as the apparent movement of the Sun through the zodiac is of importance to astrologers, so also is the practice of the Surya Namaskaara to them.

2. Breathing: Yogic practices lay great stress on regulation of breathing which helps the yogi to gain control over the life force within the body as well as outside. Synchronization of breathing with physical postures is thus an important constituent of the practice of Hatha yoga. In Surya Namaskaara the different postures when correctly practiced appear rhythmical, one naturally leading to the other. The sequence of breathing, consisting of inhalation, exhalation or retention, has also been advocated as it would most naturally be during the various postures. It requires some extra attention in the beginning to be able to synchronies the breathing with the physical posture. With practice, the sequence of posture and breathing would get integrated and appear natural. Obviously, the best results from the practice of Surya Namaskaara can only be expected when the posture and the breath proceed in harmony.

3. Incantations or Mantras: Surya Namaskaara is not undertaken merely as a physical exercise though it is eminently qualified to be leveled as the most effective bodily exercise. It is practiced with a religio-spiritual intent as well. The propitiation of the Sun is one intent, and the consequent spiritual benefit accruing from a benevolent Sun the other. Each of the twelve postures of this exercise sequence is associated with a mantra or potentiated incantation. A specific mantra has to be chanted as a specific posture in the sequence is attained. It is thus a synchronization of posture, breath and mantra, all together proceeding in a sequence. Each of the mantras literally is an affirmation salutation to the Sun. But those who know about the mantras are also aware that the literal meaning of a mantra is of little consequence. It is the energy hidden in the structure of the mantra that is of significance. It produces a tremendous impact, often in a highly subtle manner, when uttered in the prescribed manner and sequence. Since the mantras here involve a form of worship of the Sun, the element of devotion becomes important. The Surya Namaskaara is thus a physical exercise (body postures) integrated with praanaayaama (controlled breathing) and devotional worship (chanting of mantra).

Mantras for Surya Namaskara

Om Mitraaya Namah

Om Ravaye Namah

Om Sooryaya Namah

Om Bhaanave Namah

Om Khagaaya Namah

Om Pooshne Namah

Om Hiranya Garbhaaya Namah

Om Mareechaye Namah

Om Aadityaaya Namah

Om Savitre Namah

Om Arkaaya Namah

Om Bhaaskaraya Namah

Om Sri Savitra Soorya Narayanaaya Namah

The benefits of surya namaskara

  • Surya namaskar energizes the entire neuroglandular and neuromuscular system of the body and its regular practice ensures a balanced supply of oxygenated blood and perfect harmony to all the systems of the body thus involves the entire psychosomatic system of human constitution.
  • Surya-namaskar is a complete exercise to all the muscles and joints of the body.
  • Tones all the muscles of the body and reduces fat thereby helping to control obesity and metabolism of the body.
  • It strengthens the spine and abdominal muscle to control nervous system and activity of the internal organs.
  • Expands the rib-caze, increases the capacity of lungs making the breath smooth and easy.
  • Activates the glands and regulates the hormone.
  • Encourage the lymph drainage thereby increasing the immunity and resistance of the body.
  • It increases the circulation of whole body thereby acting as an excellent cardiac workout to enhance the blood circulation and warming up the body.
  • It increases concentration, memory, learning and focusing ability and vigilance.
  • It is relaxing and rejuvenating, and tension, stress and anxiety melt away as you perform Surya Namaskar.
  • Surya Namaskar practice stimulates and conditions virtually every system in the body. It is good for the heart and stimulates the cardiovascular system. It oxygenates the blood and helps strengthen the heart. Surya Namaskar is good for the digestive system and the nervous system. It stimulates the lymphatic system and supports respiratory system health, as well.
  • Surya Namaskar is an excellent alternative to caffeine and other stimulants. If you suffer from insomnia or sleep disturbances, you will find practicing Surya Namaskar aids in helping you fall asleep without the need for depressants.

The 12 steps of the Suryanamaskara

1. Stand erect with the legs together and palms together. Take the hands above the head and bend the trunk backwards. Here, inhale fully.

2. Bend the body to the bend and touch the knees by the forehead. Keep the palms on the floor on either side of the legs. Exhale fully.

3. In this stage, kick the right leg back, take the left knee forward, look up and inhale. Touch the thigh with the heel.

4. In the next step, take the left leg also back, resting only on palms and toes; keep the body straight from head to toes inclined to the ground at about 30 degree. Here exhale completely.

5. Now, bend at the knee and rest the knees on the floor without altering the positions of the palms and toes. Rest the forehead on the ground. In this position inhale while moving backwards and then exhale completely.

6. Without moving the hands and toes, come forward on the chest and rest the forehead, chest, hands, knees and legs all the eight organs will be touching the ground. The buttocks will be raised up. Stay in ‘Breath-out’ condition (Bahyakumbhaka).

7. Inhale, raise the head and trunk making the spine concave upwards without changing the position of the hands and feet. Keep the knees off the ground.

8. Exhale. Raise the buttocks, push the head down and have a complete arch with the heels touching the ground a palms on the floor.

9. Same as 5th step. Inhale and exhale.

10. Inhale and bring the right leg in between the two hands and in line with them. Arch the back concave upwards as in step 3.

11. Exhale and bring the left food forward next to the right foot and touch the knees with forehead as in 2.

12. Inhale. Come up, stand erect with hands along the body and relax.

Breathing during Surya namaskara

Many readers requested to include inhale & exhale in Surya Namaskara steps. So here are the 12 steps :-

Step 1 (Namaskarasana)

Step 2 (Parvatasana)

Step 3 (Hastapadasana)

Step 4 (Ekapada Prasaranasana)

Step 5 (Bhudharasana)

Step 6 (Ashthanga Pranipatasana)

Step 7 (Bhujangasana)

Step 8 (Bhudharasana)

Step 9 (Ekapada Prasaranasana)

Step 10 (Hastapadasana)

Step 11 (Parvatasana)

Step 12 (Namaskarasana)

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