
Saraswati Vandana: Sanskrit Mantra:

Sanskrit / संस्कृत:

या कुंदेंदु तुषारहार धवला, या शुभ्र वस्त्रावृता |
या वीणावर दण्डमंडितकरा, या श्वेतपद्मासना ||
या ब्रह्माच्युतशंकरप्रभ्रृतिभिर्देवै: सदा वन्दिता |
सा मां पातु सरस्वती भगवती नि:शेष जाड्यापहा ||

Yaa Kundendu tushaara haaradhavalaa,
Yaa shubhravastraavritha|
Yaa veenavara dandamanditakara,
Yaa shwetha padmaasana||
Yaa brahmaachyutha shankara
prabhritibhir Devai-sadaa Vanditha|
Saa Maam Paatu Saraswatee
Bhagavatee Nihshesha jaadyaa-pahaa||

Hindi / हिंदी अनुवाद:

जो कुंद फूल, चंद्रमा और वर्फ के हार के समान श्वेत हैं, जो शुभ्र वस्त्र धारण करती हैं|

जिनके हाथ, श्रेष्ठ वीणा से सुशोभित हैं, जो श्वेत कमल पर आसन ग्रहण करती हैं||

ब्रह्मा, विष्णु और महेश आदिदेव, जिनकी सदैव स्तुति करते हैं|

हे माँ भगवती सरस्वती, आप मेरी सारी (मानसिक) जड़ता को हरें||

May Goddess Saraswati,
who is fair like the jasmine-colored moon,
and whose pure white garland is like frosty dew drops;
who is adorned in radiant white attire,
on whose beautiful arm rests the veena,
and whose throne is a white lotus;
who is surrounded and respected by the Gods, protect me.
May you fully remove my lethargy, sluggishness, and ignorance.

या देवी सर्वभूतेशु विद्यारूपेण संस्थिता, नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः ||


As 'Diwali' – the festival of light – is to Lakshmi, goddess of wealth and prosperity, and 'Navaratri' is to Durga, goddess of power and valor, Vasant Panchami is to Saraswati, the goddess of knowledge and arts. This festival is celebrated every year on the 5th day or ‘Panchami’ of the bright fortnight of the lunar month of Magha, which falls during January-February, (see calendar). ‘Vasant’ comes from the word ‘spring’ as this festival heralds the beginning of the spring season.

Maa Saraswati is the Hindu goddess of Knowledge and Learning. She is associated with purity and creativity, especially in the context of communication, such as in literary and verbal skills. Goddess Saraswati is generally shown to have four arms, which represent the four aspects of human personality in learning: mind, intellect, alertness, and ego.

Saraswati Puja is performed on the 5th day of Magha month of Hindu Calendar (also known as Basant Panchami).

In several parts of India, generally states to the south, Saraswati Poojas are conducted during Navaratri – a 9 day long festival celebrating the power of feminity.

It is believed that on this day goddess Saraswati was born. Hindus celebrate Vasant Panchami with great fervor in temples, homes and even schools and colleges. Saraswati’s favorite color yellow assumes special significance on this day. Statues of the goddess are dressed in yellow clothes and are worshiped by devotees adorning yellow garments. Saraswati is offered yellow colored sweets which are given away as ‘prasad’ to all people attending the ritual worship. There is also a custom of ancestor worship, known as ‘Pitri-Tarpan’ in many parts of India during Vasant Panchami.

The Foundation of Education:

The most significant aspect of Vasant Panchami is that it is also the most auspicious day to begin laying one’s foundations of education – of how to read and write. Pre-school children are given their first lesson in reading and writing on this day. All Hindu educational institutions conduct special prayer for Saraswati on this day. It is also a great day to inaugurate training institutes and new schools – a trend made famous by the renowned Indian educationist Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya (1861-1946), who founded the Banaras Hindu University on Vasant Panchami day in 1916.

A Springtime Celebration:

During Vasant Panchami, the advent of spring is felt in the air as the season undergoes change. New leaves and blossoms appear in the trees with the promise of new life and hope. Vasant Panchami also announces the arrival of another big springtime event in the Hindu calendar - Holi, the festival of colors.

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शुक्लाम्बराधाराम विष्णुम
शाशिवार्नाम चतुर्भुजम
प्रसंनावादानाम ध्यायेथ

Shuklaambaradharam Vishnum
Shashivarnam chaturbhujam
Prasannavadanam dhyaayeth

He who is attired in a white garment
Who is all-pervading and has the complexion of the moon
Who has four arms and a bright and gracious countenance
On him we meditate for the removal of obstacles

This prayer is offered to lord Ganesh and is usually the first one among the daily morning prayers. Also, this prayer is recited at the beginning of any hindu ceremony. It is to request the lord for an auspicious start and remove any obstacles on the way.

धेवाहा सर्वेषां शाम कुर्वंत्हू. नूथाना सम्वाथ्सरास्य शुभाशयाहा.

DhEvaaha sarvEshaam sham kurvanthu
Noothana samvathsarasya shubhaashayaha.

Meaning: Let God bless every one. Best wishes for the New Year

अयं निज: परो वेति गणना लघुचेतसाम्। उदारमनसानां तु वसुधैव कुटुंबकम्॥

Meaning: This is mine or somebody else’s, is the way narrow minded people count. But for the magnanimous, (whole) earth is (like their) family.

vancha-kalpatarubhyas ca
krpa-sindhubhya eva ca
patitanam pavanebhyo
vaisnavebhyo namo namah

Meaning: I offer my respectful obeisances unto all the Vaisnava devotees of the Lord. They can fulfill the desires of everyone, just like desire trees, and they are full of compassion for the fallen souls.

Those who worship Krishna directly are not real devotees. Those who worship and serve Krishna through His devotees are real devotees. That is why Mirabai and others who worshiped Krishna directly could only remain a yogi but never could get entrance into the real nectar of devotion. Supreme Personality of Godhead Lord Sri Krishna also confirms the same in the adi Purana:

ye me bhakta-janah partha
na me bhaktas ca te janah
mad-bhaktanam ca ye bhaktas
te me bhaktatama matah

Meaning: Those who worship Me directly are not real devotees; real devotees are those who are devoted to My devotees.

We offer our respectful obeisances at the lotus feet of all the Vaisnavas. May they bestow upon us their causeless mercy and thus we can get eternally engaged in their loving devotional service life after life. On this occasion of New-Year I would like to share a lecture by a great Vaisnava Acharaya, Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur and pray for his causeless mercy upon all of us.

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